At Terra Measurement, we are passionate about helping our heritage sites and buildings benefit from the 3D digital age – and so we are delighted to be sponsoring the Philip Webb Award.
Celebrating outstanding achievements in the care and repair of old buildings, the SPAB Heritage Awards 2022 take place on Thursday November 3 at Conway Hall in London.
Hosted by the designer, writer and TV presenter Kevin McCloud, there are five main categories at the awards: Building Craftsperson of the Year; Best Loved, which celebrates the nation’s favourite buildings; Sustainable Heritage Award; the Philip Webb Award; and the John Betjeman Award.
First awarded in 1993, the Philip Webb Award sets architects in the early stages of their career a demanding but exciting dual conservation and design challenge.
The brief is to devise a scheme which sympathetically revitalises a historic building for reuse through careful repair of existing fabric and a significant element of new construction in a contemporary design.
It is a unique opportunity for those interested in sustainability, the reuse of old buildings and in developing experience in conservation practice to engage with the SPAB approach and to showcase their skills.
Philip Webb (12 January 1831 – 17 April 1915) – the ‘Father of Arts & Crafts architecture’
Philip Webb was a co-founder of the SPAB alongside William Morris. Their vision of creating guidance to stop the “destructive restoration” of ancient buildings, prevalent in Victorian times, still resonates today.
At the SPAB AGM of 1900, when proposing a vote of thanks to the lecturer, Mr Philip Webb said
“the Society needed young architects who would work with it, and whose object would be to repair ancient buildings in a common-sense way without endeavouring to leave their mark upon them. By this means the artistic value of the buildings, as well as their authenticity, would be retained, while at the same time they would be made fit for their proper uses“. The proposal was carried with acclamation”.
The 2022 Finalists
The finalists for the 2022 Philip Webb Award are:
· Michal Saniewski (University of Cambridge) ‘Transformative Reconstruction’

· George Williams & Joseph Richard Cox (Manchester School of Architecture) ‘Rethinking Familiar Things’

· Harry Sale (University of Sheffield) ‘The Brick Exchange’

Read more about the shortlisted projects here.

“It is a real privilege to be able to be a part of the SPAB Heritage Awards 2022 and we wish all the finalists the best of luck on the night – we can’t wait to hear more about their stories and projects,” says Terra Measurement founder, Andrew Beardsley.
“The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) is the oldest heritage charity in the UK and our relationship developed very naturally due to our vision of helping heritage with digital technologies.
As a guardian of the society, I am proud that our team volunteer as specialists for SPAB Working Parties and help with other projects. The collaboration with traditional crafts specialists, archaeologists, conservation consultants, structural engineers, historians and architects, help to give us greater perspective and experience of how we can genuinely help improve processes and save money for other heritage projects.”
The Terra Measurement Team send our best wishes to the SPAB Awards finalists and look forward to meeting them on 3rd November. To find out more about Terra Measurement’s work with the SPAB, read here.